Wandering Tree ®, LLC Podcast

S3:E15 A Hidden Identity Revealed: Fred Nicora Path to Self-Understanding

Adoptee Lisa Ann Season 3 Episode 15
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00:00 | 40:40

Imagine being 41 years old and discovering at a family gathering that you were adopted. That's exactly what happened with our guest, author and adoptee, Fred Nicora. A unintentional disclosure sparked a massive transformation in Fred's understanding of his identity and started him on an ongoing journey of self-discovery and healing. He offers an incredibly honest view into the life of a late discovery adoptee, revealing the intense struggle to reconcile a new identity and learn to trust again.

Fred doesn't just share his own story, but also his strong advocacy for change in regard to adoptee birth certificate access. He talks candidly about his personal experience with current legislation and how it perpetuates the shame and stigma tied to adoption. With a firm belief in a system of truth and transparency, Fred discusses his support for bills which aim to grant adult adoptees access to their original birth certificates and adoption records. His story is a powerful testament to the importance of honesty and openness when it comes to adoption.

While the journey has been far from easy, Fred also shares how he found strength and coping mechanisms in his spiritual journey and his battle with alcohol. He encourages fellow adoptees and listeners alike to seek out tools that can aid their journey towards healing. His story is a testament to resilience and the power of self-discovery. Join us for this honest and captivating episode that touches on the human journey towards self-understanding, the complexities of adoption, and the importance of identity.
 When it comes to the amplification of male adoptee voices, it is crucial to recognize the unique experiences and perspectives they bring to the table. Each male adoptees has a valuable role to play in helping to shape the narrative around adoption by providing insights into their own personal journeys. This six-episode series will take us on a spectacular journey of meaningful conversations, were male adoptees have been empowered to share their stories, break down stereotypes, and contribute to a greater understanding of the adoption experience as a whole. 

Find your people, cherish your people and love your people.

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Website: www.frednicora.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/frednicora.fitness/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/fred.nicora